PDF Optimizer offers more opportunities to control quality trade-offs. note that some settings might actually increase the file size. You can repeat steps 1-5 using different compatibility settings to see how they affect file size. If necessary, click OK to close the window. Any anomalies are displayed in the Conversion Warnings window. It is always a good idea to save a file using a different name so that you don't overwrite an unmodified file.Īcrobat automatically optimizes your PDF file, a process that may take a minute or two. If you choose compatibility with Acrobat 9, however, you should be sure that your intended audience does indeed have version 9 installed. When you choose the compatibility level, be aware that the newer the version of Acrobat that you choose, the smaller the file.

For example, files created using the High Quality Print preset will be larger than files created using the Standard or Smallest File Size presets. The size of a PDF file can vary tremendously depending on the Adobe PDF settings used to create the file.
Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on this tutorial, learn how to reduce a PDF file size (sometimes called optimize PDF or compress PDF) without having to regenerate the PDF file, regardless of the preset used to create a file. The optimized document looks like the original PDF but doesn’t contain any layer information. This does not affect the functionality of the PDF, but it does decrease the file size.ĭiscard Hidden Layer Content And Flatten Visible Layersĭecreases file size. Strips information from a PDF document that is useful only to the application that created the document. Links that jump to other locations within the PDF are not removed.ĭiscard Private Data Of Other Applications

( PDF Optimizer doesn’t optimize attached files.) Removes all file attachments, including attachments added to the PDF as comments. (Use the Save As command to restore metadata streams to a copy of the PDF.) Removes information in the document information dictionary and all metadata streams. Removes all comments, forms, form fields, and multimedia from the PDF.ĭiscard Document Information And Metadata You can locate hidden text and user-related information by using the Examine Documentcommand ( Tools > Redact > Sanitize Document, and then choose to Remove Hidden Information).ĭiscard All Comments, Forms And Multimedia If you’re unable to find personal information, it may be hidden. Use the Discard User Data panel to remove any personal information that you don’t want to distribute or share with others. When you choose the compatibility level, be aware that the newer the version of Acrobat that you. Select Acrobat 8.0 And Later for file compatibility, and click OK. Additional checks in the Preflight tool In this section, youll use the Reduce File Size command to dramatically reduce or compress the size of a PDF file.Analyzing documents with the Preflight tool.Automating document analysis with droplets or preflight actions.Correcting problem areas with the Preflight tool.Viewing preflight results, objects, and resources.PDF/X-, PDF/A-, and PDF/E-compliant files.Playing video, audio, and multimedia formats in PDFs.Add audio, video, and interactive objects to PDFs.Edit document structure with the Content and Tags panels.Reading PDFs with reflow and accessibility features.Capture your signature on mobile and use it everywhere.Overview of security in Acrobat and PDFs.Securing PDFs with Adobe Experience Manager.Convert or export PDFs to other file formats.In the Optimize PDF menu Click Reduce File Size.
In Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017 (Not the Adobe DC Reader) Open the pdf you need to reduce in Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017.